Tuesday, October 7, 2014

ACA Academic Advising Expo 2014

The Academic Advising Expo was held on Wednesday, October 1,2014 on the East Mall on the UT campus (which was EXTREMELY convenient for those of us with offices on the East Mall). 

Thanks to all of the advisors, staff, graduate assistants, and students who helped to make the event a success - it looks like we were able to reach more students and create a public advising presence that is so important in higher education. 

Special thanks to our committee co-chairs, Craig Gilden and Elizabeth Labate. You both rock!

Oh, what's this? The ECONOMICS advisors?! What an attractive table they put together!

BDP, representin'!

The Archer Center, modeling their snazzy brochures. 

What  fabulous Vanna White pose.

Advising action shot.

Texas Means Business, y'all. (But also lots of other viable major options :))

I loved the teeny flags. Truly.

UGS pulled out all the stops with interactive games for passersby. It was pretty awesome!

ALL the fliers!

This shot MIGHT have been staged, but I can vouch for the fact that these really are Jess' advisees in the Jackson School! 

Advising action shot. 

We really do have a gorgeous campus, y'all. Can we advise outside more often?

Michael Dean was totally ready for this photo op!


Total success! Thanks again to everyone who took the time to represent their advising centers this year!

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