Friday, December 18, 2015

2015 ACA/APSA Holiday Party

The ACA/APSA Holiday Party was a great way to wrap up the year and send us merrily off to winter break!

A huge thanks to the Holiday Party Committee, Cindy Bippert, Lily DoƱes, Josh Barham, Norma Hernandez, and Yesenia Sanchez, who did such an excellent job setting this up for us and making sure there was wonderful food and great entertainment.

Tacos generously provided by the Holiday Party Committee

A whole army of mustached coffee boxes!

I took the picture below early in the morning so there ended up being even more wonderful desserts to choose from as the party went on!

Delicious breakfast desserts

Candy canes galore

ACA/APSA folks having a grand old time!

Thanks to Cindy Bippert for the photos below!

Josh Barham, who was wearing a great holiday themed tie, led a fun activity where 20 something movie clips were played and we had to name as many as possible. I was so focused on trying to keep up with the movie clips that I forgot to take pictures!

I think A Christmas Story was one of them...

Beverly Hamilton spoke about her non-profit, Austin Diaper Bank, which helps Austin families in need get access to diapers and have a healthier and more comfortable quality of life. You can find out more information about donating funds or diapers to Austin Diaper Bank at their donation page.

Beverly Hamilton from the Austin Diaper Bank

Eric Carter spoke about the upcoming Professional Development Day happening on February 23rd, 2016. Check out their website for more information about registration.

Eric talking about PDD. Register today!
Then, the moment we'd all been waiting for... White Elephant! Some presents had creative wrapping paper including my little ponies, eyeballs, and highly addictive contents inside.

Yesenia Sanchez read a cute poem that allowed us to swap presents and talk to friends. Fun all around!

Happy Holidays, ACA and APSA! 
See you next year.